Thursday, 27 March 2008

Hi everyone, I came across this today on , google news:

"Have your say on how the borough tackles crime
By Colleen McDonnell

"Law makers' ears will be pricked for one more week of suggestions from the public on how to tackle antisocial behaviour.

Every resident in Hounslow has until March 14 to play an integral part in deciding how crime is handled in the borough over the next three years."

I think this is a great opportunity for all of us who would like to make a difference or have any suggestions and never knew who'd want to listen,.... well this is our chance, if you go to google news and type in Housnlow crime, you will see Colleen's article and there is a small form available at the bottom of the page.

Make you voice heard and help the Hounslow council and Police to make our streets a safer place.

Monday, 24 March 2008

A flourishing cannabis factory boasting a sophisticated electricity supply system has been shut down by police.

*** At least the drug rate seems to be going down in Hounslow. However its mostly class A drugs that the police seem to look for and take seriously, other drugs such as "weed" can easily be brought by teenagers who live in Hounslow.***

Wednesday, 12 March 2008

Milly Dowler disappeared on 21 March 2002, her remains were found 6 months later in Yateley Heath woods.
Bellfield, a 39-year-old former nightclub bouncer, was put behind bars on a life sentence, last month for the murders of Amelie Delagrange, a 22-year-old French student, Marsha McDonnell, a gap year student aged 19, and the attempted murder of 18-year-old Kate Sheedy.

Immediately after his conviction, police found information and evidence which linked him directly to the murder of Milly.

***It's so horrifying to hear stories like this . About young girls being abducted. But its even worse to hear that their bodies were discovered so long after the crime, (but in this case at least it was discovered).
To some extent I just can't believe that Bellfield has been getting away with murdering young girls for so long, they should have found him after his first victim was discovered. Instead of allowing him to ruin more lives. And these are the only ones we know about so far, god only knows how many more have not yet been discovered.
While stories like this come as a surprise and you just think to your self oh my god, how could anyone be so cruel, how much do these stories really shock us? and what does that tell us about the society we live in today?***

Tuesday, 4 March 2008

Patsy Morris disappeared from school one lunchtime and her body was found hidden in undergrowth on Hounslow Heath in June 1980.

The 14-year-old had been strangled, but was not sexually assaulted.

Police never solved the case but they now intend to re-examine the murder to determine if Levi Bellfield was involved. (google news)

*** Cases like this are happening all the time, teenagers and children either being killed, gone missing, etc and police never solving the crime. I can't imagine how hard it must be for the family an friends of the victim, who are forced to re-open and live through a case like this 28 years later. Police really should be doing more so that all the possibilities are looked into at the time and not a life time later.***